Oral presentations and posters
- Lambraki et al. Exploring factors influencing antimicrobial resistance in the European food chain with non-traditional stakeholders
Link to conference, October 2020
- Léger et al. AMR-Intervene, a database at the interface between science and policy to foster learning and improve interventions targeting antimicrobial resistance
- Lambraki et al. Exploring factors influencing AMR in the European and South East Asian food system using a participatory system modelling approach.
Link to conference, October 2020
- Léger et al. Resilience factors from the One Health system in an AMR context: state of play of interventions focused on E. coli. September 2020
- Léger et al. Building and sharing knowledge about resilience factors to tackle antimicrobial resistance in One Health systems. July 2019
- Léger et al. Identification of social-ecological resilience and transformability factors to limit AMR in One Health systems: example of E. coli interventions. March 2020
- Léger et al. Building and sharing knowledge about resilience factors to tackle antimicrobial resistance in One Health systems
(Working Package 1). March 2019