Title of the publicationImpact of an intervention designed to improve the documentation of the reassessment of antibiotic therapies in an intensive care unit

The study objectives were: (i) to design an intervention to improve the written documentation of empiric antibiotic prescriptions’ reassessment; (ii) and to assess the impact of this intervention on the quality of prescriptions.
Patients and methods
A prospective before and after 7-month intervention study in a medical ICU in a French teaching hospital, using interrupted time-series analysis. The intervention was made to improve the documentation of four process measures in medical records: antibiotic plan, reviewing the diagnosis, adapting to positive microbiological results, and IV-per os switch.
One hundred and fourteen antibiotic prescriptions were assessed, 62 before and 52 after the intervention. The reassessment of antibiotic prescriptions was more often documented in the ICU after the intervention (P = 0.03 for sudden change). The prevalence of appropriate antibiotic prescriptions was not statistically different before and after the intervention, either for sudden change and/or linear trend.
A better documentation of antibiotic prescriptions’ reassessment was achieved in this ICU, but it did not improve the quality of antibiotic prescriptions.

Name of the first authorPulcini, C
Year of publication2011
Study design of the publicationTime-series analysis
Method for data collection and analysis
  • Quantitative data - Quantitative data were used during the intervention
  • Qualitative data - Qualitative data were used during the intervention
Quantitative data - Quantitative data were used during the intervention
Qualitative data - Qualitative data were used during the intervention
Scientific references about the intervention or other assessment of the intervention

Pulcini C, Defres S, Aggarwal I, Nathwani D, Davey P. Design of a “day 3 bundle” to improve the reassessment of inpatient empirical antibiotic prescriptions. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008;61:1384–8.

  • Human - All activities regarding organisations and individuals involved in health products and services
Sub-sectorSub-sectors are further units of demarcation within a sector E.g. awareness campaign from veterinarians to cat owners about toxoplasmosis drug resistance and transmission of resistant bacteria: ANIMAL, PETS
Subsector (human)
  • Healthcare delivery
Healthcare delivery