Title of the publication | Voluntary ban on cephalosporin use in Danish pig production has effectively reduced extended-spectrum cephalosporinase-producing Escherichia coli in slaughter pigs |
Abstract | Objectives Methods Results Conclusions |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/dks427 |
Name of the first author | Agersø, Yvonne |
Study design of the publication | Cross sectional study |
Method for data collection and analysis |
Quantitative data - Quantitative data were used during the intervention | |
Other references about the intervention or other assessment of the intervention | DANMAP. Use of antimicrobial agents and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from animals, foods and humans in Denmark, 2010 http://www.DANMAP.org (10 May 2012, date last accessed) Danish Veterinary and Food Administration http://www.foedevarestyrelsen.dk (14 June 2012, date last accessed) |
Sector |
Sub-sector | Sub-sectors are further units of demarcation within a sector E.g. awareness campaign from veterinarians to cat owners about toxoplasmosis drug resistance and transmission of resistant bacteria: ANIMAL, PETS |
Subsector (animal) |