Follow the published publications of the project “AMResilience”
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Publications of the consortium related to the AMResilience project
A. Léger, I. Lambraki, T. Graells, M. Cousins, P. J. G. Henriksson, S. Harbarth, et al. Characterizing social-ecological context and success factors of antimicrobial resistance interventions across the One Health spectrum: analysis of 42 interventions targeting E. coli. BMC Infectious Diseases 2021 Vol. 21 Issue 1 Pages 873 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-021-06483-z
Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is among the most pressing One Health issues. While interventions and policies with various targets and goals have been implemented, evidence about factors underpinning success and failure of interventions in different sectors is lacking. The objective of this study is to identify characteristics of AMR interventions that increase their capacity to impact AMR. This study focuses on AMR interventions targeting E. coli.
Methods: We used the AMR-Intervene framework to extract descriptions of the social and ecological systems of interventions to determine factors contributing to their success.
Results: We identified 52 scientific publications referring to 42 unique E. coli AMR interventions. We mainly identified interventions implemented in high-income countries (36/42), at the national level (16/42), targeting primarily one sector of society (37/42) that was mainly the human sector (25/42). Interventions were primarily funded by governments (38/42). Most intervention targeted a low leverage point in the AMR system, (36/42), and aimed to change the epidemiology of AMR (14/42). Among all included publications, 55% (29/52) described at least one success factor or obstacle (29/52) and 19% (10/52) identified at least one success factor and one obstacle. Most reported success factors related to communication between the actors and stakeholders and the role of media, and stressed the importance of collaboration between disciplines and external partners. Described obstacles covered data quality, access to data and statistical analyses, and the validity of the results.
Conclusions: Overall, we identified a lack of diversity regarding interventions. In addition, most published E. coli interventions were poorly described with limited evidence of the factors that contributed to the intervention success or failure. Design and reporting guidelines would help to improve reporting quality and provide a valuable tool for improving the science of AMR interventions.
I. A. Lambraki, S. E. Majowicz, E. J. Parmley, D. Wernli, A. Léger, T. Graells, et al. (2021). Building Social-Ecological System Resilience to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance Across the One Health Spectrum: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Res Protoc Vol 10. Issue 6 Pages e24378
Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an escalating global crisis with serious health, social, and economic consequences. Building social-ecological system resilience to reduce AMR and mitigate its impacts is critical. Objective: The aim of this study is to compare and assess interventions that address AMR across the One Health spectrum and determine what actions will help to build social and ecological capacity and readiness to sustainably tackle AMR. Methods: We will apply social-ecological resilience theory to AMR in an explicit One Health context using mixed methods and identify interventions that address AMR and its key pressure antimicrobial use (AMU) identified in the scientific literature and in the gray literature using a web-based survey. Intervention impacts and the factors that challenge or contribute to the success of interventions will be determined, triangulated against expert opinions in participatory workshops and complemented using quantitative time series analyses. We will then identify indicators using regression modeling, which can predict national and regional AMU or AMR dynamics across animal and human health. Together, these analyses will help to quantify the causal loop diagrams (CLDs) of AMR in the European and Southeast Asian food system contexts that are developed by diverse stakeholders in participatory workshops. Then, using these CLDs, the long-term impacts of selected interventions on AMR will be explored under alternate future scenarios via simulation modeling and participatory workshops. A publicly available learning platform housing information about interventions on AMR from a One Health perspective will be developed to help decision makers identify promising interventions for application in their jurisdictions. Results: To date, 669 interventions have been identified in the scientific literature, 891 participants received a survey invitation, and 4 expert feedback and 4 model-building workshops have been conducted. Time series analysis, regression modeling of national and regional indicators of AMR dynamics, and scenario modeling activities are anticipated to be completed by spring 2022. Ethical approval has been obtained from the University of Waterloo’s Office of Research Ethics (ethics numbers 40519 and 41781). Conclusions: This paper provides an example of how to study complex problems such as AMR, which require the integration of knowledge across sectors and disciplines to find sustainable solutions. We anticipate that our study will contribute to a better understanding of what actions to take and in what contexts to ensure long-term success in mitigating AMR and its impact and provide useful tools (eg, CLDs, simulation models, and public databases of compiled interventions) to guide management and policy decisions.
Wernli, D., Søgaard Jørgensen, P., Parmley, E. J., Troell, M., Majowicz, S., Harbarth, S., et al. (2020). Evidence for action: A One Health learning platform on interventions to tackle antimicrobial resistance. Lancet Infect. Dis. 3099, 1–5. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30392-3
Improving evidence for action is crucial to tackle antimicrobial resistance. The number of interventions for antimicrobial resistance is increasing but current research has major limitations in terms of efforts, methods, scope, quality, and reporting. Moving the agenda forwards requires an improved understanding of the diversity of interventions, their feasibility and cost–benefit, the implementation factors that shape and underpin their effectiveness, and the ways in which individual interventions might interact synergistically or antagonistically to influence actions against antimicrobial resistance in different contexts. Within the efforts to strengthen the global governance of antimicrobial resistance, we advocate for the creation of an international One Health platform for online learning. The platform will synthesise the evidence for actions on antimicrobial resistance into a fully accessible database; generate new scientific insights into the design, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of the broad range of interventions relevant to addressing antimicrobial resistance; and ultimately contribute to the goal of building societal resilience to this central challenge of the 21st century.
Léger, A., Lambraki, I., Graells, T., Cousins, M., Henriksson, P. J., Harbarth, S., … & Wernli, D. (2020). AMR-Intervene: a social–ecological framework to capture the diversity of actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance from a One Health perspective. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, dkaa394,
The global threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) requires coordinated actions by and across different sectors. Increasing attention at the global and national levels has led to different strategies to tackle the challenge. The diversity of possible actions to address AMR is currently not well understood from a One Health perspective. AMR-Intervene, an interdisciplinary social–ecological framework, describes interventions to tackle AMR in terms of six components: (i) core information about the publication; (ii) social system; (iii) bio-ecological system; (iv) triggers and goals; (v) implementation and governance; and (vi) assessment. AMR-Intervene provides a broadly applicable framework, which can inform the design, implementation, assessment and reporting of interventions to tackle AMR and, in turn, enable faster uptake of successful interventions to build societal resilience to AMR.
Previous Publications of group members on social-ecological and/or complex systems approach to AMR
- Lhermie, G., Wernli, D., Jørgensen, P. S., Kenkel, D., Tauer, L. W., & Gröhn, Y. T. (2019). Global resistance to antimicrobials and their sustainable use in agriculture. The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(3), e109-e110.
- Jørgensen, P. S., Aktipis, A., Brown, Z., Carrière, Y., Downes, S., Dunn, R. R., . . ., Wernli D, Carroll SP. (2018). Antibiotic and pesticide susceptibility and the Anthropocene operating space. Nature Sustainability, 1(11), 632-641.
- Majowicz, S. E., Parmley, E. J., Carson, C., & Pintar, K. (2018). Identifying non-traditional stakeholders with whom to engage, when mitigating antimicrobial resistance in foodborne pathogens (Canada). BMC Research Notes, 11(1), 170.
- Wernli, D., Jørgensen, P. S., Harbarth, S., Carroll, S. P., Laxminarayan, R., Levrat, N., . . . Pittet, D. (2017). Antimicrobial resistance: The complex challenge of measurement to inform policy and the public. PLoS Medicine, 14(8), e1002378.
- Wernli, D., Jørgensen, P. S., Morel, C. M., Carroll, S., Harbarth, S., Levrat, N., & Pittet, D. (2017). Mapping global policy discourse on antimicrobial resistance. BMJ Global Health, 2(2), e000378.
- Jørgensen, P. S., Wernli, D., Carroll, S. P., Dunn, R. R., Harbarth, S., Levin, S. A., . . . Laxminarayan, R. (2016). Use antimicrobials wisely. Nature, 537(7619), 159-161.