Are you knowledgeable about initiatives / interventions that tackle the antimicrobial resistance challenge?
Antimicrobial resistance can be tackled in many different ways, to name a few: (1) surveillance, (2) promoting rational use of antimicrobials, (3) promoting research and innovation of new drugs, point of care diagnostics or vaccines; (4) preventing spread of microorganisms such as hand hygiene campaigns as an example; or (5) limiting or banning antibiotics as growth promoters in animals.
We are seeking your knowledge, if you have information about any of the above or related to them!
You will be part of a global scale project to identify success factors of interventions that address antimicrobial resistance and you will have access to our findings.
Please, take some minutes to help us address this global concern.
The survey will take around 30 minutes, depending on level of knowledge and number of initiatives/interventions reported.
All interventions and initiatives are welcome, especially those that have been implemented at provincial, national or international levels. We would prefer initiatives/ interventions not published or published in ‘grey’ literature. Please, once you start to report do not click off until you finish, because the data may not be saved. The survey works better with Chrome browser. If you want to know more about our study, partners, questions and rights as a participant, you can read detailed information at the survey’s introductory page.
You can contribute and be part of the study until 8th June 2019.
Take the survey
Take the survey by clicking here or on the picture below.
Si quieres participar en nuestro estudio respondiendo en español sigue este link (Follow this link if you want to take the survey in Spanish).